Health & Beauty

Be good to your whole body. What you put on your body is just as important as what you put in it. So give your skin the same attention you give your diet, by using quality, natural and organic hair, skin and body care.

At Nature’s Pantry, you can find natural and organic allergy friendly skin care that will help you deal with your skin issues ranging from dry maturing skin to acne to eczema and psoriasis with award winning trustworthy brands like Derma-E.

Did you know that eye makeup ingredients can be easily absorbed through the sensitive skin around your eyes? So, it’s very important for even your makeup to be free of things like paraben, talc and artificial fragrances, just to list a few. Using cosmetic brands like Mineral Fusion will not only be healthier for your skin, but you will also see a visible difference in the look and feel of your skin.

Hair care products found in drug stores are filled with surfactants, preservatives and artificial fragrances. At Nature’s Pantry, you can find quality hair care for kinky, curly hair to thinning hair loaded with nourishing ingredients like Argan Oil, Shea Butter, Biotin and so on.

Pregnancy is a time when a lot of people make the change to a healthier lifestyle. At Nature’s Pantry, you can find healthy alternatives to enhance your natural glow and reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Some people prefer to lower the dose of sildenafil. After your baby is born, we have a large range of healthy products for you and your baby. Soothe your baby’s delicate skin with gentle products like Weleda’s Calendula line, and aromatherapy blends to help you and your baby relax.

Help make a difference in your Earth, just by changing what you use to clean your home. If every household in the U.S. replaced a single roll of paper towels with Seventh Generation’s 100% recycled paper towels, we could save one million trees!

Your skin is your largest organ. You should know what chemicals you are letting in it. Also, take comfort in knowing that nothing in Nature’s Pantry’s Health and Beauty Department is tested on animals.

2 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    Janet Klunk
    I am looking for aromatic oils

  2. theresa steptoe says:

    this is theresa deaf lady

    looking for soaps for dry and itch skin sensitive skin…

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